Slow Cooker Pot Roast with Tamarind Sauce (Carne con Salsa de Tamarindo)
- 3 to 4 Pounds Chuck Roast
- 2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 tablespoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon ground achiote
- 5 scallions chopped
- 2 yellow onions
- 7 garlic cloves
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 green bell pepper
- ½ cup fresh cilantro plus more for serving
- 2 cups tamarind pulp
- 1 cup water
- ¼ cup tomato paste
- 2 tablespoons of hot sauce
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- ⅓ cup honey
- Salt and Pepper
- ¼ cup red wine
- 1 cup beef stock
- Season the beef with the cumin, achiote, salt and pepper.
- In a pan over medium-high heat, heat the oil. Add the beef and cook, turning occasionally, until browned on both sides, about 5 minutes total. Transfer to the slow cooker.
- Place the water and tamarind pulp in a small pot. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot, and let it simmer for 30 minutes, stirring often.
- Strain the tamarind mixture and place the liquid in a blender, add the scallion, onions, garlic, peppers, cilantro, tomato paste, hot sauce, sugar, honey, wine and beef stock. Blend until smooth consistency.
- Pour the tamarind mixture over beef. Cover and cook on LOW for 12 hours or on HIGH for 8 hours.
- Add the remaining cilantro and serve warm.
Tamarind or Tamarindo is a popular fruit in Colombia as well as other parts of South America. In Colombia we use it to make traditional Colombian drinks, desserts, and sauces for meat, poultry and seafood. It has a sweet and sour taste and is delicious!
The flavor and consistency of the tamarind sauce is amazing. This is a wonderful dish for entertaining. Serve it with white rice, sweet plantains, carrots and avocado salad on the side.
There’s nothing as welcoming on a cool winter evening as a comforting dish like this Pot Roast with Tamarind Sauce, and that’s especially true in January.
Buen provecho!
Belinda @zomppa
I can almost taste that sweet-tart. Slow cooked pot roast is THE BEST!
This looks great!!! Where can I get the tamarind?
You can find it at Latin markets.
Mari @ Mari's Cakes
Hola Erika, Feliz 2012, que sea uno prospero para ti y tu familia. Me gusta la receta de hoy, el cerdo con tamarindo debe quedar riquísimo. Lo voy a probar. Gracias.
This is a great use for chuck.
I can also taste the tartness of the tamarindo. That meat along the sweet plantains...mmouthfull of goodness.
5 Star Foodie
The roast looks fall-apart tender and an awesome and flavorful sauce!
Hi This looks great. I found 2 types of Tamarind in the store. Which one would you recommend using?
Tamcon Tamarind Concentrate
Super Wet Tamarind (Seedless)
The meat looks fork tender and delicious. Have never tried tamarind before be shall have it in mind, curious to try it.
Erica, this look great...so tasty and tender...with this meat, I sure would need more than a bowl of rice.
Have a great week 🙂
rebecca subbiah
wow this looks amazing Indians use tamarind a lot too :0)
Hola Erica
Quisiera saber si con las dos cucharadas de salsa picante, la comida queda muy muy picante?
Quisiera hacer este plato, pero algunos de mis invitados no comen comida picante.
Gracias por tu pronta respuesta.
Katherine- El sabor dulce del tamarindo ayuda a que el plato no sea muy picante, pero tu le puedes omitir el picante o solo le pones un poquito.
Thank you guys!
I love that you are posting more pictures on your recipes now - Thank you. For visual people like me this is great help.
I'm going to search for tamarind pulp tomorrow, can't wait to try this recipe.
I used to steal tamarindo while my mom was making "jugo de tamarindo", I eat it just al natural 😉
Hello Erica,
I love your recipes!! We try a new one every week, and this pot roast looks wonderful!!
We wanted to ask your advice on how to best prepare this recipe if you don't own a slow cooker?
I do own a Le Creuset French oven pot, would this work? If so, what oven temperature / and cooking time would you recommend?
Thank you for any advice you can offer 🙂
Best wishes
We're subbing the protein for part of the weight in pork, but we're also adding sweet potato and carrots to the mix. I'm so excited for dinner tomorrow!
It was so good! My family loved it. We had extra tamarind juice already, so I skipped step 3. I used about 2.6 pounds of meat and the same amount of ingredients, and it tasted savory and sweet. I served it with rice and sliced avocados. I will make this again for sure!