This is a First...

· Modified: by Erica Dinho · 12 Comments
My name is Erica and I was born and raised in Colombia and now live in the northeastern United States with my husband and family. This blog was inspired by my grandmother, Mamita, who was an amazing traditional Colombian cook.
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Joanna Soto
You shouldn't feel bad about doing this. You provide us with wonderful information that must take quite a bit of time to create. should publish a book! I have a folder full of your recipes that I have printed out. My husband makes fun of me for always flipping through them,
Joanna- Thank you so much for your comment!
Joan Nova
I'm sure it was tough decision. Unless you're a food blogger, people don't realize how much work goes into what we do. It's more than's all the background technical stuff, writing, photography, social media and community relations.
Good luck!
Joan-Thank you 🙂
Sara Brown
I think you should try changing your "donate" button to say "buy me some ingredients," or "buy me a cup of coffee." I regularly buy "cups of coffee" for another blogger whose site I visit regularly, and it puts kind of a fresh, fun spin on it. I'd love to buy you some ingredients for your amazing recipes. I love your blog site, and I've told plenty of my friends about it. Thanks so much. Camarones a la criolla changed my life, lol !! 😀
Sara- Thank you!!! Glad you liked my "Camarones a la Criolla" 🙂
Wow. This is a fascinating idea. I'd love to know how you think it works out during the month. Monetizing these sites is challenging unless you're tremendiously popular--sort of like acting. Julia Roberts doesn't struggle financially but how many thousands of other actors do? I hope that it works out for you!
Erica, I agree with Sara 100%. Changing the language will make people feel less obligated if they see it as a contribution toward the next post. If I were blogging about food, I would change the button to say "Like the food? Buy some ingredients for my next recipe!"
I agree..we are the one that know how much time, effort and cash goes into our blogs. I am with you 100$%
Of course you should have a "donate" button - it says "donate" - just by the very definition of the word it means that you voluntarily give money. No one has to do it; it is just appreciated if someone does! 🙂 You should not feel badly about doing this. You put a tremendous amount of work into this and it is a joy to pour over and try the recipes!
Thank you all!
Mayra Acevedo
It is true, a lot of time is spent preparing for these meals, and even though it might be a simple dish it takes up plenty of time, even though it might seem like it doesn't. I recenty found this website and just fell in love with all the recipes. My mom is from Medellin, Colombia and where we live there is not a Colombian Restarant in site. Instead now I can bring a little piece of Colombia back to her.