I was given the opportunity to participate in a recipe challenge hosted by Gorton's. I am competing against seven other bloggers and we needed to create an original recipe incorporating Gorton's Crispy Battered Fish Fillets.
I made Fried Green Plantains with Guacamole, Crispy Battered Fish Fillets and Mango Slaw. I need your help to WIN this competition! The recipe with the most votes wins, so your votes make all the difference.
Belinda @zomppa
This is win worthy for sure!
You got my vote! Your dish just looks delicious. Your plate looks visually appealing, so many textures and flavors, and the recipe looks pretty easy to follow. Good luck to you!
I want this dish so bad, it looks awesome my friend. Off to go vote for you!
all the best yours looks fab will vote
Norma-Platanos, Mangoes and Me!
Voted twice....I am so gungry right now...
Good luck Erica. Going over to vote for you right now. It looks delicious.
How creative is that! Wonderful recipes Erica..you will surely win! Glad I chanced upon this space. I am off to vote for you!
I love your recipes and tried two in one day (yucca and ponque), both came out great. So yes, you got my vote!