Roscón de Bocadillo o Guayaba (Guava Paste Stuffed Bread)
- 2 ¼ teaspoons of yeast or 1 envelope
- 7 oz. plus 4 tablespoons of warm water
- 4 cups of all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- ½ cup of sugar plus more for garnish
- ½ cup of unsalted butter melted
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
- 2 large eggs at room temperature
- 1 beaten egg for the glaze
- 2 tablespoons of melted butter for the glaze
- 2 cups diced or sliced guava paste
- Pour 4 tablespoons of warm water into a small mixing bowl. The water should be hot, but not so hot that you can not bear to put your fingers in it. Add ½ of the sugar and yeast, and stir to dissolve.
- Wait about ten minutes for the yeast to begin to grow.
- In a large mixing bowl add the flour, salt, remaining sugar and the water and yeast mixture and begin mixing. Use your hands for this, as you really get the perfect feel for the consistency of the dough. Add the butter, vanilla and eggs. Mix well.
- Knead the dough on a clean, dry, flat surface. Sprinkle your work surface with a handful of flour, put your dough on top, and start kneading. Add bits of flour if necessary to keep the dough from sticking to your hands, or surface.
- Keep kneading until the dough is ready. This may take 8 to 10 minutes. It will be quite elastic. It should not be too dry, however, it should still give and stretch easily without tearing.
- Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl, turn once to coat, and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours.
- Shape each piece into a smooth long rope. Then, using a rolling pin, roll each piece of dough into a long rectangle. Place the guava paste in the middle of each rectangle and roll the dough up jelly-roll style. Connect the two ends together, forming a ring. Repeat the process with the other rectangle.
- Place the rings, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, Cover and let rise in a warm place for 20-30 minutes. Using a pair of scissors, make cuts in the dough at 1 ½ inches intervals around the outside edge.
- Preheat the oven to 400 F. Brush the tops of the rings with the beaten egg and melted butter. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and the rings are baked through. Sprinkle with sugar on top and let them cool slightly before serving.
I must confess that I have never made Roscón de Bocadillo o Guayaba at home. I have had this popular and traditional Colombian dessert at restaurants in Colombia and once in a Colombian bakery in NYC. I simply love this dessert but haven’t come across this Guava Paste Stuffed Bread anywhere else here in the United States.
The main ingredient for this Roscón de Bocadillo o Guayaba recipe is guava paste (bocadillo), an ingredient widely used in Colombian cuisine and other Latin countries for many dessert dishes.
To make this dessert I used my recipe for Colombian Sweet Rolls (Pan Mojicón) as a base. I am really happy with how it turned out and within minutes, the two roscones were gone. They were delicious! I truly enjoy this dessert, especially when it's fresh from the oven. The lovely aroma that fills the house makes it difficult to resist. This Guava Paste Stuffed Bread is definitely one of the best Colombian breads I have made thus far.
Buen provecho!
I've never tried guava before but surely looks delicious!
Jaime barreto
I just made it follow every step and let me tell you,my family in Colombia,wouldn't believe I made it my self,mmmmmm,tank you guys excellent wabe page.Los felicito de corazon exelentes resetas.Jaime
Belinda @zomppa
That looks like breakfast and dessert rolled into one!
Norma-Platanos, Mangoes and Me!
I just got so nostalgic and teary. My dearest fiend who passed about a year ago used to have this for me while we played cards...thanks fort the memories...
Thank you Erica!!! This brought a lot of good memories of my childhood
in Colombia. Your Roscon looks delicious.
That looks great, nice and crisp on the outside.
Se ve irresistible me encanta muy muy rico,abrazos y abrazos.
I really can see myself doing this bread. It looks wonderful Erica! We also use guava paste a lot in dessert here. We have a similar bread, but way much simpler that this roscon. Thanks for the recipe.
I need to try to make this recipe .. love roscones and i know some of my friends here in the US havent try them... i can also make them with ham and cheese..
Oh that looks just absolutely wonderful, glad you made it yourself finally.
what an attractive bread! i love the guava peeking out and the donut shape. 🙂
Hola Erika:
Lo hice, el sabor expectacular!!!
Pero la masa no crecio, que clase de yeast utilizasate? Puedes poner la foto de los ingredientes para la proxima vez y asi es mas facil guiarnos.
Dejame saber lo quiero volver hacer.
Ahhh y felicitaciones por tu premio en el concurso....
I found recently your blog... I'm from Colombia and now I'm living in the states with my husband... I'm being with cravings for hot roscon for days and today i smile when i saw this recipe! thank you so much for post up all this yummy recipes from our country! Also if people cant found the guava paste, they might want to try with a jam or something 😉
María Isabel
Muchas gracias. Lo probaré se ve delicioso!!!! Men recuerda mi infancia....
Hola Erica, gracias por esta receta pues como dicen muchos en los comentarios es como traer lindos recuerdos de infancia a nuestra memoria. Tengo una pregunta puedo usar harina para hacer pan (unbleached bread flour) No puedo esperar para hacerlos.
Gracias otra vez y saludos desde Canada.
Erica Dinho
Hola, no se si puedes utilizar otra clase de harina. Yo siempre uso all purpose flour, pero lo puedes intentar.
Thank u so much for this receipe!!!!
I've made this twice in the past two weeks. Love the website and the recipes!
Don't forget to add the additional 7 ounces of warm water in step 3. We didn't do it the first time so had to start over.
I made this for my Colombian boyfriend and he loved it! Thank you!
Jenny from jennyisbaking.com
Hi Erica,
Thank you so much for your site. I am married to a Colombian and very happy you have all these recipes available here. I hope you are OK with me using your roscónes recipe. I did link back, rewrote the recipe in my own words and took my own pictures, you can find my blog entry here: https://jennyisbaking.com/2017/03/01/roscones-colombian-sweet-bread-stuffed-with-guava-paste/
Saludos desde Hamburgo, Alemania!
Rachel Pirard
I tried out this recipe and it was delicious! I only saw two problems that you might be able to advise on. The first of which is that this bread came out pretty dense! I let it rise for all the recommended times, but similar breads have a more airy consistency similar to Challah bread. In addition, the cut the guava paste up into small think pieces but they didn't melt into the bread to create a nice creamy texture but instead held their firm shape.
Does anyone know how to fix these issues?
Prepared this roscon for mother’s day. It was quite easy and tastes as if I had just bought it from la panaderia de la esquina. Thank you so much for your great recipes!
Alex F
I have done this recipe for years and years but I remember a step between 5 and 6 that is now missing. It was about I believe kneading again after the 2 hours before splitting in 2. And maybe letting rise for 30 minutes. Bread is always well received by guests
Good afternoon, I would like to know if I can use guava jam instead of guava paste, I think the jam melts easier in the oven and the roscon will be juicy inside.
Erica Dinho
I always use guava paste.