I am a big fan of plantains in any form and I have a serious weakness for ripe plantains (plátanos maduros). Plantains are popular in Colombia and Latin American cuisine, and we have many recipes to make with this delicious ingredient.

Today, I want to share 10 of my favorite Ripe Plantain Recipes from My Colombian Recipes.
Oh my, plantains galore, everything looks great but the Baked Plantains with Coconut really call my name
Belinda @zomppa
I will have an order of each of these!
Is there a recipe for the dish pictured at the top of the page? Looks like baked plantain stuffed with mozzarella and guava paste. (I think I just answered my own question...)
Erica Dinho
Here is the recipe: https://www.mycolombianrecipes.com/baked-plantains-with-guava-and-cheese/
Erica Dinho
Thank you,everyone!
Laura Beth @ Perched on a Whim
I recently spent time in South America and was introduced to the plantain - I'm hooked! I fond your site (clean look and such helpful recipes!) I want to try some of these recipes, but first, how do I know that a plantain has reached "ripeness." Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Erica Dinho
When the skin has blacks spots!
Can plantians be used like bananas and used in baking. Bread, muffins, cakes
I have the same question. Did you get an answer? I bought on1/2 price today hoping to use them in "banana bread" recipes. Can I do that?
Erica Dinho
Eva Gold
Oh que riiiiico!!
Can anyone help me I once had plantains mashed with a little four and garlic and I'M hot sure if it was baking powder or BS then dropped by teaspoon into hot fat THEY puffed up they were so delicious if anyone has the recipe I would greatly appreciate it. Any one any help PLEASE
Julia Cook
It was most likely corn flower not regular flower... Sounds similar to the bread part of an empanada recepie i read about earlier.
Were they sweet plantains or green?
This sounds like what you are talking about. I would substitute some mashed garlic for the onion.
I love Plátanos Maduros of all kinds!
I can't believe I found the recipe for Aborrajados (Ripe Plantain Fritters) on your site!! I had these as a little girl which were made by a lady who stayed with us for a little while. I didn't know what they were called and I tried googling the recipe, but had no success. Then I tried making them by memory, but they weren't what I had hoped for. I longed for that gooey cheesy texture, but to no avail. I came to your site looking for another recipe, and low and behold, there they were. I can't wait to make them!